Original Fist of the North Star Anime Cel, kenshiro, Fist of the North Star, Toei Animation, 1984-2007, Authentic Japanese Animation Cel
Original Fist of the North Star Anime Cel, kenshiro, Fist of the North Star, Toei Animation, 1984-2007, Authentic Japanese Animation Cel Original Fist of the North Star Anime Cel, kenshiro, Fist of the North Star, Toei Animation, 1984-2007, Authentic Japanese Animation Cel

Original Fist of the North Star Anime Cel


Character: Shin
Series: Fist of the North Star
Studio: Toei Animation
Date: 1984-2007

Authentic Japanese Animation Cel

More Information
Anime Series Fist of the North Star (1984-2007)
Production StudioToei Animation
DirectorToyoo Ashida
Product Date1984-2007
Anime GenreAdventure, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi
Condition ReportStuck to paper.