Anime Cel, Gundam, Japanese Animation, Original Animation Celluloid
Anime Cel, Gundam, Japanese Animation, Original Animation Celluloid Anime Cel, Gundam, Japanese Animation, Original Animation Celluloid

Original After War Gundam X Anime Cel


Series: After War Gundam X
Studio: Sunrise
Date: 1996

Authentic Japanese Animation Cel

Set in the After War timeline 15 years after a cataclysmic war, After War Gundam X follows a group of Vulture, salvagers and scavengers, and their attempts to stop history from repeating itself. It follows Garrod Ran, a orphaned technician and thief, who gets pulled into a growing conflict after rescuing Tiffa Adill, a newtype, and discovering the Gundam X. Afterwards, they join Jamil Neate and the crew of the Freeden as they attempt to locate the Newtypes and put a stop to the coming war.

More Information
Anime Series After War Gundam X (1996)
Production StudioSunrise
DirectorShinji Takamatsu
Product Date1996
Anime GenreMecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Condition ReportGood for age
LocationOn Display, Barbican