Glossary of Japanese Terms
Bakufu | 幕府 | The Government of feudal period of Japan |
Banko | 万古 | Japanese earthenware produced at the turn of 19 and 20th centuries |
Bijinga | 美人画 | Picture of a beauty or a young kabuki actor |
Bizen | 備前 | Ancient province, consisting of parts of today’s Okayama, Ehime and Hyogo prefecture |
Biwa | 琵琶 | String instrument resembling a lute |
Bunraku | 文楽 | Japanese puppet theatre originating in 17th century |
Byobu | 屏風 | Decorative multi panel folding screen |
Cloisonné | Enamel, a technique of metal decoration | |
Daishou | 大小 | Lit. long and short. A set of two swords, worn strictly by the samurai class |
Dohyou | 土俵 | The circle ring of sumou |
Kabuki | 歌舞伎 | Japanese dance and drama theatre dating back to early 17th century |
Kabuto | 兜 | Combat helmet of the samurai armour |
Kaburo / kamuro | 禿 | Young apprentice courtesan |
Kachou- ga | 花鳥画 | Images of flowers, birds, insects and small animals |
Kadou | 華道 | Way of Ikebana |
Kakejiku | 掛け軸 | Hanging wall scroll |
Kakiemon | 柿右衛門 | Japanese Porcelain produced in Arita region |
Kanzashi | 簪 | Traditional ornamental hairpin |
Kassen- e | 合戦絵 | Scene of war/ rebellion from Japanese history |
Kimono | 着物 | Traditional Japanese garment |
Kiseru | 煙管 | Traditional Japanese pipe |
Koto | 琴 | Traditional Japanese multi stringed instrument |
Kuge | 公家 | Japanese aristocratic class |
Kutani | 九谷 | Porcelain produced in Ishikawa Prefecture |
Fukei- ga | 風景画 | Landscape |
Fundoshi | 犢鼻褌 | Traditional Japanese underwear for adult men |
Furin | 風鈴 | Wind bells made of glass |
Furoshiki | 風呂敷 | Wrapping cloth used to carry or store things |
Fuzoku- ga | 風俗画 | Genre picture |
Geiko | 芸子 | Entertainer performing traditional Japanese dance and music in Kyoto |
Geisha | 芸者 | Entertainer who performs traditional Japanese dance and music in Tokyo |
Gendai hanga | 現代版画 | Contemporary Japanese print |
Geta | 下駄 | Traditional Japanese wooden sandals |
Gojuu-no-tou | 五重の塔 | Five stories pagoda |
Goza | 茣蓙 | A mat made of juncus effusus(rush) plant |
Hanga | 版画 | Japanese print |
Hanabi | 花火 | Fireworks |
Hanami | 花見 | Cherry blossoms viewing |
Hashira- e | 柱絵 | Lit. pillar print. Long slender picture |
Hinamatsuri | 雛祭り | Dolls festival for Girl’s Day on 3rd March |
Hotoke | 仏 | Buddha |
Horagai | 螺貝 | Wind instrument made of conch shell |
Ikebana | 生花 | Japanese traditional flower arrangement |
Imari | 伊万里 | Porcelain produced in Saga prefecture |
Inro | 印籠 | Lit. seal box. Small box with compartments for small personal objects, mostly medicine |
Ishidara | いしだら | A stone lantern often set in the Japanese garden |
Izumo | 出雲 | East part of Shimane prefecture |
Jinja | 神社 | Shinto Shrine |
Jizou | 地藏 | Statue of a Buddhist saint, guardian of children |
Joururi | 浄瑠璃 | Chanting narrative with accompanying of shamisen in Bunraku theatre |
Ju-goya | 十五夜 | Full moon viewing on the 15th Aug of the traditional Japanese lunisolar calendar |
Ju-ni hitoe | 十二単 | 12 layered kimono of Heian period |
Ju-sanya | 十三夜 | The moon viewing on the 13th Sep of the traditional lunisolar calendar |
Jitte | 十手 | Weapon used by police officers in the Edo period |
Maiko | 舞妓 | Apprentice of Geiko in Kyoto |
Miko | 巫女 | Female dancers serving at a Shinto shine |
Mino | 美濃 | Ancient prefecture, part of today’s Gifu |
Musashi | 武蔵 | Ancient prefecture, consisting of parts of today’s Tokyo, Saitama and parts of Kanagawa prefecture |
Musha- e | 武者絵 | Image of a warrior |
Netsuke | 根付 | Pendant, counterweight for inro, holding it in place behind the sash |
Nimai tsuzuki | 二枚続き | Diptych |
Ninja | 忍者 | Undercover agents working for warlords |
Noh | 能 | Traditional Japanese mask theatre originating in 14th century |
Obake | お化け | Japanese ghost |
Obi | 帯 | Broad belt for kimono |
Ougi- e | 扇絵 | Design of a folding fan |
Onnagata | 女形 | Kabuki actor specialising in female roles |
Owari | 尾張 | West parts of today’s Aichi prefecture |
Rekishi- e | 歴史絵 | Scene from Japanese history |
Ryu | 竜 | Dragon |
Sadou | 茶道 | Way of tea ceremony |
Sagami | 相模 | Part of today’s Kanagawa prefecture |
Sakura | 桜 | Cherry blossom tree, symbol of beauty and illusiveness of life |
Sanmai tsuzuki | 三枚続き | Triptych |
Satsuma no kuni | 薩摩の國 | West parts of today’s Kagoshima prefecture |
Satsuma | 薩摩 | Pottery produced in Satsuma region |
Sensu | 扇子 | Japanese folding fan |
Shakuhachi | 尺八 | A type of Japanese flute traditionally made of bamboo |
Shamisen | 三味線 | Traditional Japanese three string instrument |
Shibai- e | 芝居絵 | Scene of the Kabuki play |
Shichigosan | 七五三 | The ceremony of coming of age for seven, five and three years, celebrated on 15th Nov |
Shikishi- e | 色紙絵 | Lit. square shaped picture, name of a format |
Shin hanga | 新版画 | Modern print |
Shini- e | 死に絵 | Obituary portrait of a famous person |
Shinto | 神道 | Japanese ancient religion |
Shochikubai | 松竹梅 | Triad of bamboo, pine tree and plum tree, known as three friends of winter. Auspicious symbol in poetry and paintings common for Asian cultural region |
Shodou | 書道 | Way of calligraphy |
Shogatsu | 正月 | New Year’s day |
Sho- ga | 書画 | Calligraphy with an image |
Shogi | 将棋 | Japanese chess |
Shogun | 将軍 | General, military director of Bakufu, equivalent of an admiral |
Shoji | 障子 | Wooden framed slid door with Japanese paper screen |
Shun- ga | 春画 | Erotic image |
Sumi- e | 墨絵 | Ink painting |
Sumida | 隅田 | Pottery produced at the turn of 19 and 20th centuries in Tokyo |
Sumo | 相撲 | Traditional Japanese wrestling |
Sumo- e | 相撲絵 | Portrait of a Sumo wrestler |
Surimono | 刷り物 | Seasonal calligraphy with an adequate image. Very limited edition, usually personal message from the author to his benefactors or friends |
Tanzaku- e | 短冊絵 | Long and slender shaped picture |
Tera | 寺 | Buddhist Temple |
Tenno | 天皇 | Emperor |
Tabi | 足袋 | Japanese socks worn with kimono |
Tanabata | 七夕 | The star festival marked by meeting Vega and Altair on the 7th of July |
Tango no Sekku | 端午の節句 | The Boys Festival on 5th May |
Tenugui | 手拭 | Japanese cotton towel, approximately 90cm x 35cm |
Torii | 鳥居 | A gate built at the shrine entrance signifying a sacred area |
Tsukimi | 月見 | Viewing of the moon |
Tsuba | 鐔 | Sword guard |
Uchiwa | 団扇 | Rounded paper fan on a bamboo frame |
Uchiwa- e | 団扇絵 | Design of a round fan |
Ukiyo-e | 浮世絵 | Lit. images of the floating world, traditional Japanese woodblock prints |
Urushi | 漆 | Japanese lacquer work |
Umibozu | 海坊主 | Ocean monster destroys ships |
Wagasa | 和傘 | Japanese umbrella made of paper on a bamboo frame |
Watashi-bune | 渡し船 | A ferry boat |
Waraji | 草鞋 | Traditional Japanese footwear made of straw rope |
Yakusha- e | 役者絵 | Portrait of a Kabuki actor |
Yamashiro | 山城 | Ancient Kyoto prefecture |
Yamato | 大和 | Nara prefecture, also, an ancient name of Japan |
Yukaku | 遊郭 | Red light district |
Yoshiwara | 吉原 | Pleasure quarter in Edo |
Zori | 草履 | Traditional Japanese footwear |