The Great Victory of the Japanese Navy at the Port Taikosan, War Print


Artist: Unknown
Title: The Great Victory of the Japanese Navy at the Port Taikosan
Publisher: Inoue Kichijiro
Date: 1894
Size: (L)37.2 x 25.4 (C)37.2 x 25.5 (R)36.8 x 25.3 cm

Original Japanese woodblock print.

war print, senso-e, japanese imperial army, battle, meiji period
war print, senso-e, japanese imperial army, battle, meiji period war print, senso-e, japanese imperial army, battle, meiji period

Battle triptychs were produced in large numbers during the Sino-Japanese (1894 - 1895) and Russo-Japanese wars (1904 - 1905) to satisfy widespread interest in the progress of the imperial army and maintain popular support for the conflicts. The prints idealised the heroism of Japanese troops risking their lives for the emperor. As the demand for traditional woodblock prints fell in the Meiji era, many artists turned to wartime propaganda to make ends meet.


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Print FormatTriptych
Dimensions(L)37.2 x 25.4 (C)37.2 x 25.5 (R)36.8 x 25.3 cm
Condition ReportSome stains from tape on the back, tape residue.
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