Yoshikazu Utagawa, Imai Shiro Defeated and Killed at the Battle of Awazu


Artist: Yoshikazu Utagawa (act.1850-1870)
Title: Imai Shiro Defeated and Killed at the Battle of Awazu
Publisher: Izumiya Ichibei
Date: 1852
Size: (L) 36.3 x 24.7cm, (C) 36.3 x 24.9cm, (R) 36.4 x 24.6cm

絵師: 歌川芳員
題名: 粟津合戦今井四郎打死之図
年代: 嘉永元年

Original Japanese woodblock print.

japanese art, japanese antique, woodblock print, ukiyo-e, Yoshikazu Utagawa, Imai Shiro Defeated and Killed at the Battle of Awazu
japanese art, japanese antique, woodblock print, ukiyo-e, Yoshikazu Utagawa, Imai Shiro Defeated and Killed at the Battle of Awazu japanese art, japanese antique, woodblock print, ukiyo-e, Yoshikazu Utagawa, Imai Shiro Defeated and Killed at the Battle of Awazu

Imai Shiro is depicted moments before ending his own life, storming through the battlefield on horseback.

This is a scene from Battle of Awazu (1184) in Ōmi Province. Shown here is Kiso no Yoshinaka and Imai Shiro fleeing from Kyoto after a failed attack on the Emperor, together with Tomoe Gozen and a few remaining warriors. They were being chased by Minamoto no Yoshitsune and his retainers who were sent to eliminate the rebellious Yoshinaka.

This culminated in a confrontation at Awazu. Yoshinaka and his close companion Imai fought alongside each other as the battle advanced. However, when Kiso turned back to check for Imai, he could not find him. Instead, Yoshinaka was greeted by a swift arrow to the head.

Imai Shiro was stranded in a muddy rice field when he heard an enemy archer announcing Yoshinaka’s death. Enraged, Imai decided to show his opponents how to end one’s life like a true samurai - by leaping off his horse, sword held in his mouth. In this triptych, Utagawa Yoshikazu presented the very last moment before Imai jumps from his horse.

Yoshikazu Utagawa

Yoshikazu started his artistic career as a pupil of Kuniyoshi Utagawa. Later on, he designed prints in the Yokohama school style, his subject matter including foreign customs and manners as well as landscapes and warriors.

More Information
Print FormatTriptych
ArtistYoshikazu Utagawa
SubjectSamurai & Male
Dimensions(L) 36.3 x 24.7cm, (C) 36.3 x 24.9cm, (R) 36.4 x 24.6cm
Condition ReportBinding holes, minor restorations (right panel), light soiling and creasing, slight paper residue (centre front).
FoldersIn Store, AB
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